
This page collects a variety of different resources currently available about TheSNPpit itself and about the group responsible for future developments.

Welcome to TheSNPpit

For a description of the development of TheSNPpit and some historical facts have a look at the welcome-page. The story behind TheSNPpit also shows that some ideas can be applied independent of all technological advancements.

Contributed Software

TheSNPPit lets the user interact with its database directly using his or her own scripts and programs. One example is the Parentage Testing package described in our contributed section.

Literature Citations


Memorandum of Understanding

The Memorandum of Understanding for the Establishment of TheSNPpit Group describes the objectives and the structure of the group. Group members can be users, developers or contributors. The coordinator is the first instance to handle issues and to organize the communication. More details can be obtained from the complete document which is available for download from here.